5 Key Features (Savvy) People Prioritize When Buying a Laptop

key features buying laptop

In today’s world, laptops have become an everyday essential for many people. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone who likes to stay connected while on the go, having a laptop that suits your needs is crucial.

Buying a laptop is a big decision. It’s not only an expensive investment in a piece of technology but also your productivity and creativity. That’s why it’s essential to make sure you’re buying the right one.

key features buying laptop

How do you know which laptop will serve you best? That is simple. You need to identify your primary computing needs.

Key Features When Buying a Laptop

The importance of portability

The critical difference between a desktop computer and a laptop is the ability to take it with you on the go. So, it should be easy to transport from one place to another, whether taking it to the office or lugging it to class.

Being lightweight is not enough in such a laptop. You need at least six hours of battery life before recharge, have all the ports to connect your peripherals, and a responsive trackpad and keyboard. With the advancement in technology, even the best budget laptops come packed with features to aid portability.

Pay attention to the visuals.

A higher screen resolution means more pixels and will make text and images look sharper, vital for productivity tasks like photo or video editing. But they will require a lot more processing power to render correctly.

You’ll want to ensure that your laptop has at least a 1080p resolution to enjoy HD content. However, if you’re planning on using your computer for gaming or other graphically intensive activities, you will need a 4K display.

This will provide you with a stunning visual experience and future-proof your laptop, ensuring that it can still handle the latest games and applications. These screens also have higher refresh rates making gameplay much smoother.

If you’re looking for a laptop with a high screen resolution, you’ll need to be willing to pay more. As such, it’s essential to consider your needs and budget when making your decision.

If you plan on using your laptop for tasks requiring a lot of visual processing, then a higher resolution is considered mandatory. However, a lower screen resolution will suffice if you primarily use your computer for basic web browsing and office work. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preferences, budget, and needs.

Ensure the CPU can match your workflow

A laptop’s processor is like its brain. A faster processor can open apps quicker, run demanding software more smoothly, and enable you to multitask better. When looking at processors, you’ll see numbers like Intel Core i3, Core i5, and Core i7, which refer to the processor’s generation. The higher the number, the more recent the chipset, and usually better performance.

You’ll also see a number that refers to the processor’s speed, measured in gigahertz (GHz). This is how fast the laptop’s brain can think; again, a higher number is better. Combining these two numbers will give you a good idea of how powerful a laptop’s processor is.

The latest processor will be able to handle demanding tasks, such as video editing or AAA-rated game titles, without lag or freezing. In addition, a fast processor will make day-to-day tasks, such as web browsing and word processing, feel snappy and responsive.

When it comes to processor power, more is generally better. However, it is vital to strike a balance between capacity, price, and battery life. So, choosing a model that offers the right mix of power and portability for your needs is essential.

Decide where and how to store your files.

SSDs are now the storage type of choice when it comes to laptops. They’re much faster than HDDs, meaning your computer will boot up and load programs quicker. SSDs are also more robust and have longer lifespans than traditional hard disk drives.

However, they’re more expensive per GB, so an HDD might be the way to go if you’re on a budget. For most people, a 128GB SSD should be plenty of space for all the critical files and applications. However, if you have an extensive media collection or plan to store lots of high-resolution photos and videos, you will want to consider a larger SSD capacity.

If you need access to your files from multiple devices or to share files with team members, cloud storage is convenient because it stores data remotely on a server owned by the cloud provider.

The main benefits of cloud storage are that it is typically more reliable and scalable than local storage, and you can access it from anywhere with an Internet connection. However, cloud storage can be more expensive, so it is essential to weigh the pros and cons before deciding.

System memory is more than just a number.

While getting caught up in specs like processor speed and storage capacity is easy, other factors can make a big difference in your overall experience.

System memory, or RAM, is one of the key features to consider when purchasing a laptop. Though the numbers can be confusing, it’s essential to know that more RAM is better. This is because the computer uses it to store temporary files required for running programs. When multiple programs open simultaneously, your computer will need to access the files stored in RAM.

If you have too little RAM, your computer will slow down as it runs out of space to store the necessary files. Conversely, you’ll be wasting money on unneeded resources if you have too much. The sweet spot for most users is 8GB, but power users may want 16GB or more.

Using it primarily for emails and web browsing, you can get by with 4GB of system memory. However, you’ll want at least 8GB DDR4 RAM if you do any video editing or gaming. Some laptops come with 16GB or even 32GB of RAM, but those tend to be specialized gaming rigs paired with a top-spec CPU and dedicated graphics card. So you most likely won’t need that.

Another thing to remember is that you can usually upgrade RAM later; just make sure the laptop has an empty slot for adding more memory.


So, what should you consider when purchasing a laptop? The five key features we’ve outlined are certainly a great place to start. However, remember that everyone’s needs vary, so it’s crucial to consider how you plan to use your laptop and find one that fits your needs within your budget.

Luckily, there are plenty of different models on the market these days, so keep these five key features in mind as you shop, and you’re sure to find the perfect computer for your lifestyle.

Spencer is a tech enthusiast and passionately exploring the ever-changing world of technology. With a background in computer science, he effortlessly blends technical expertise with eloquent prose, making complex concepts accessible to all. Spencer wants to inspire readers to embrace the marvels of modern technology and responsibly harness its potential. Twitter

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